“Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus” (2 Tim. 2:3).  I have to say that I don’t particularly like the current trend when people say “Really?!”  But that is exactly what I found myself saying to the Lord. I thought to myself  “I’m not a soldier, an athlete OR a hard-working farmer as Paul describes, I’m just a wife with 3 children who enjoys flannel pj’s and a cup of Earl Grey tea.”

But here’s the truth.  God’s word is true, and in His word He is clearly calling me and all His children to be His soldiers.  Our daily circumstances are in fact the battleground as A.W. Pink wrote. And He is sanctifying us by the Holy Spirit who dwells within each believer to fight the good fight of faith.  So the truth I must confess is that my flesh doesn’t want to be a soldier. I don’t want to be on the battlefield.  I want comfort and ease, I want my pj’s and Earl Grey. Honestly, this is the battle that rages within––my “old girl” and “new girl.” The battle I fight every day by God’s grace–– Give over to my flesh and the “old girl” or put my flesh to death and pick up my cross to follow Christ.

So I confess my unbelief––I am prideful and unwilling to give up my comfort. Immediately, I need to stop and I need to cry out to the Lord to ask for His forgiveness and His help.  Asking Him to strengthen me by His grace. Asking Him for the grace to believe His word and submit to His authority and take His truth to my heart, coming up under His truth and living it out each and every day.

Friends, the Lord has a call on our lives. Our lives are not our own. In fact, we have been bought with the spilled and precious blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. The call is to live for the One who died for us.  He died “that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised” (2 Cor. 5:15). 

And we must understand, in our walk with the Lord there will be suffering. As I continue to think about all this means, it occurs to me that suffering is a key component, if not the key to gospel living.  In order to live out the gospel, we must die to ourselves. We must crucify our flesh. We must “endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they also may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory” (2 Tim 2:10).  But we cannot endure on our own.  We are weak and unable, but I am so thankful that His grace is not based on my merit.  Paul writes in Col. 1:11, “May you be strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy.”  The power to endure, the ability to endure comes from God alone.

Without suffering there is no gospel.  Without death there is no life.  Christ came, suffered, died, was buried, and rose again.  He suffered on my behalf, He suffered and bore the wrath of God because of my sins. Without the suffering and death of our Redeemer, we would all be destined for eternal damnation.  His suffering was His gift to us. We can then rejoice in our own suffering as our response of gratitude to our Savior. We can be thankful that when we suffer for the gospel we see a small glimpse of what He endured for each of us out of His great love.

God’s ways are not our ways.  He is God and we are not. Therefore the truth is suffering has purpose. Suffering is a blessing. The Lord uses it to bring us closer to Himself.  When things are going well I am always tempted to be more independent and not see my need for the Lord.  In His love and care for me, the Lord allows suffering to draw me back to Him. In suffering I see more clearly the reality that I am powerless and He is all powerful.

You can’t go into battle without your armor, and because of His death on the cross He have been given access to all we need. By grace through faith we put on His armor. Ask the Lord to show you what practical ways you can be more dedicated, devoted, diligent and disciplined in your walk/run with the Lord.  May He give us all understanding in everything.

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.  To him be the dominion forever and ever.  Amen” (1 Peter 5:10).


by Dottie Ryan

Oftentimes I find myself skimming over words in the Bible that are very familiar without even stopping to digest what they are really saying. Today as I was doing Day 3 in the Thistlebend Bible Study–– Run the Race. There were six words that jumped out at me: “Fight the Good Fight of Faith.” I think the reason they resonated with me is because I have struggled so much in the sin of “unbelief” lately, and I believe the Holy Spirit might want me to stop just agreeing by saying “Yes, Amen!” when I hear those words exclaimed. He has slowed me down to ask me if I even know what I’m giving my “Hallelujah!” to. I must admit, He got my attention. So I began asking myself what it really looks like, practically speaking, to fight the Good Faith Fight. And even further, why I would have to fight it since Christ declared “It Is Finished!” as He was dying on the Cross.

In the Going Deeper section of Day 3 in the Thistlebend Study––Run the Race, Laurie cautioned us to be careful—to not be deceived, reminding us that “Suffering and sacrificing, competing, and working hard in and of themselves will not accomplish holiness.”  As she continued to compare and contrast being earthly and heavenly minded, she also reminded us that we are not to put down our roots in the temporal because we are sojourners, travelers, nomads, and aliens in this world. Then she went on to say that as we seek to fight the good fight of faith we must be sure not to think just because we might be looking real good on the outside, that we have fooled anyone. Well, it was at this point I knew I must diligently search out what these words mean; what they meant when Paul spoke them to Timothy; what other commentators have said about them; but especially since they were addressing a sin of mine directly…what God is speaking to my soul.

The following is an excerpt from an article by A. W. Pink[i] called “The Fight of Faith.”[ii]

Nothing but faith can enable us to rise above “circumstances.” It did so in the case of the two apostles, who, with feet fast in the stocks, with backs bleeding and smarting, sang praises to God in Philippi’s dungeon; that was faith victorious over most unpleasant circumstances. We can almost imagine each reader saying, “Alas, my faith is so weak.” Ah, ponder again this word; “Fight the good fight of faith.” Note the repetition! It is not easy for faith to rise above circumstances; no, it is not. It is difficult, at times, extremely difficult; so the writer has found it. But remember, a “fight” is not finished in a moment, by one blow; oftentimes the victor receives many wounds and is sorely pounded before he finally knocks-out his enemy. So we have found it, and still find it: the great enemy, the “flesh” (self) gives the “new man” many a painful blow, often floors him; but, by grace, we keep on fighting. Sometimes the “new man” gets the victory, sometimes the “old man” does. “For a just man falleth seven times and riseth up again” (Prov. 24:16).

I thought I would share it with you because, as believers, I think we all fight similar battles. Please click on the link below to bring up the full article.  It is so full of Scriptures admonishing us to fight the faith fight and teaches us how.  In it, Pink gives us two instances where:

Christ Himself has “left us an example!” And what do we learn from these solemn and sacred incidents? This: the only weapon we are to use is the Sword of the Spirit; and, victory is only to be obtained on our knees—“with strong crying and tears.” The Lord graciously enables us so to act. O that each of us may more earnestly seek grace to fight the good fight of faith.

I think it goes without saying that I strongly believe the lack of faith, and doing nothing about it, is a very dangerous sin left unattended to.

In closing, I’m drawn to the Scripture that Laurie touched on during this particular segment of the study from Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”  I know that I MUST look into His Word further to KNOW what He is speaking to me. I must learn what I’m fighting, why I’m fighting, and how to fight according to the Word of God.


[i] Arthur W. Pink (1 April 1886 – 15 July 1952) was an English Christian evangelist and Biblical scholar known for his Calvinist and Puritan-like teachings.