Prayer Requests
You may submit your prayer requests here. We would be honored to pray for you or someone you know. Our team prays daily for the requests we receive.
Your questions and information inquiries are always welcome.
We look forward to hearing from you!
"*" indicates required fields
Office: 502-216-4596 or 502-216-4599
Kevin Purslow, Ministry Assistant: 502-216-4599
Laurie Aker, Executive Director:
Susan Sampson, Director of Weekly Discipleship:
Joanie McMullan, Customer Service and Prayer Support:
Kevin Aker, Cofounder and President, Bookkeeping and Curriculum Assistance:
Office Address
11405 Park Rd. Suite 201
Anchorage, KY 40223
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 23524
Anchorage, KY 40223