Extend the Reach.
Deepen the Impact.
Multiply the Harvest.
God can and will accomplish His ultimate purpose on this earth, but He loves to hear our prayers, and we believe that the power of prayer is undeniable. Your prayers mean more to Thistlebend than we can ever give enough credit for. Thank you for your prayers, and please continue to pray that this ministry will impact women, children, and families for generations to come – all for HIS glory and all in Jesusʼ name.
If you have been impacted by Thistlebend, either personally or indirectly, your experience is vital to the growth of our ministry, so that we can continue to reach out with the Good News of the Gospel, and radically impact people to live for that Gospel. Thank you for sharing your Thistlebend experience with those around you at home, work, church, or school. If there is someone who has been touched by your story, please reach out to us here, so that we can reach out to them.
We know that giving to a ministry is such a personal decision for you, and we are so humbled that you have chosen to support Thistlebend financially. Contributing to our annual fund will allow us to meet the areas of greatest need for our ministry. If you would like to donate to a particular area of our ministry, please note that on your donation.