Gospel Moments (9): Made in the Image of God (Part Three)
Genesis 1:27 ESV
So God created man
in his own image,
in the image of God
he created him;
male and female
he created them.
You may be wondering
what is the purpose of
walking so slowly
through these verses.I have discovered that
most of us, including myself,
do not slow down enough
to fully contemplate,
digest, and apply
the truths of the gospel.
Today’s meditation is
a good example.
We are God’s.
We have been created
by Him in His image
for His glory.
How often do we think of
ourselves in this light?
How can we
humbly surrender our heart,
soul, and mind to this truth?
The sooner we embrace
who we are and
what we have been made to do,
the greater our joy,
the greater His pleasure,
the greater His glory!
Ask the Lord to grant you
His grace to earnestly
pray the following prayer
from The Valley of Vision.
O God whose will conquers all,
There is no comfort in anything
apart from enjoying thee and
being engaged in thy service;
Thou art All in all, and all
enjoyments are what to me
thou makest them, and no more.
I am well pleased with thy will,
whatever it is, or should be
in all respects, And if thou bidst
me decide for myself in any affair,
I would choose to refer all to thee,
for thou art infinitely wise and
cannot do amiss as I am in
danger of doing.
I rejoice to think that all things are
at thy disposal, and it delights me
to leave them there.
Then prayer turns wholly
into praise, and all I can do
is to adore and bless thee.
What shall I give thee for
all thy benefits?
I am in a strait betwixt two,
knowing not what to do; I long to
make some return, but have
nothing to offer, and can
only rejoice that thou doest all,
that none in heaven or on
earth shares thy honour;
I can of myself do nothing
to glorify thy blessed name,
but I can through grace
cheerfully surrender soul and
body to thee, I know that
thou art the author and finisher
of faith, that the whole work
of redemption is thine alone,
that every good work or thought
found in me is the effect of
thy power and grace, that thy sole
motive in working in me to will
and to do is for thy good pleasure.
O God, it is amazing that men
can talk so much about man’s
creaturely power and goodness,
when, if thou didst not hold us
back every moment, we should
be devils incarnate.
This, by bitter experience,
thou hast taught me
concerning myself.
In Jesus’ Name,
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