Gospel Moments (2): Creator God (Part Two)


Genesis 1:1 ESV
In the beginning,
God created the heavens
and the earth.

God is God.
The fact that He is the God
of creation means that
He is Lord of all.

Understanding and
believing God as creator
offers great hope in
an uncertain world.

These days we can
awake to this life that we have
been given and can feel very
overwhelmed by it.

It may look as though
everything is out of control . . .
It may even appear as
though evil reigns
and darkness is overcoming
the light . . .
You may be asking yourself
like the people in the days of
the Old Testament,
“Where is any good?”

Psalm 4:6
There are many who say,
“Who will show us some good?
Lift up the light of your
face upon us, O LORD!”

God is God
and He is good.
He is in control
and worthy of ALL of our
worship and ALL of our praise.

Remember these things.
Cherish these truths in your heart.
Stand upon this rock:
He is God and
you are not
and neither is anyone
or anything else besides Him.
The world rests upon His
He holds the universe in
the palm of His hand.

Affirm the first few stanzas
of the Apostles’ Creed
in your heart and mind:
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

Taking the Gospel to Heart
and Bringing It to Life

During this time of year
when we have more to do
than usual,
when our expectations and
emotions are heightened,
and when our focus can
be easily lost,
we want to remember that
we have been saved for
a very specific and special

We have been set apart,
we have been sanctified
to glorify God and enjoy
Him forever no matter
what is happening in
the world around us.
The darkness can not
overcome the light.
Shine the light of this truth
in your heart, in your mind,
and in your life.
God who created us has also given us
the light of redemption in
Jesus Christ.

2 Cor. 4:6 ESV
For God, who said,
“Let light shine out of darkness,”
has shone in our hearts to
give the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face.

We reflect what we believe.
Believe the truth.
Affirm the truth.
Hold fast to the truth.
God is God and we are not.
He is our creator.
We are His!
He is ours!

Close in prayer and worship
with the following Psalm.

Psalm 95:1-7
1 Oh come, let us sing to the Lord;
let us make a joyful noise
to the rock of our salvation!
2 Let us come into his
presence with thanksgiving;
let us make a joyful noise to
him with songs of praise!
3 For the Lord is a great God,
and a great King above all gods.
4 In his hand are the depths
of the earth;
the heights of the mountains
are his also.
5 The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Oh come, let us worship
and bow down;
let us kneel before the Lord,
our Maker!
7 For he is our God,
and we are the people
of his pasture,
and the sheep of his hand.

In Jesus’ Name,

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