Bloom! is a personal look into a few women’s lives as they participate in Thistlebend studies and follow the Lord as He tills their hearts. May you be encouraged as you experience the tilling, the Lord is doing in your own heart!
John Piper on Sanctification
In light of the discussion this week as part of the Heart of a Woman Discipleship Study, we thought we would pass along this article from Tim Challies (you can see the original at Challies.com). John Piper answers some questions about the sanctification process that you might find helpful. -Thistlebend Ministries An Interview with John […]
Trench Digger
by Angie Thomas This week has been “one-of-those-weeks”. Nothing overly terrible, just tough for a variety of reasons. Hormones, disobedient children, a dear friend moving out-of-state, tax preparation (need I say more). As a stay-at-home mom there are just days when the walls seem to be closing in, when quiet, adult conversation without interruption seems […]
Remembering Easter Everyday
Contributing Writer: Susan Sampson The most beautiful words jumped off the page of my bible the other day. They stared me right in the face and brought tears to my eyes as Jesus showed me just a small glimpse of what He has done for me. I have read Psalm 103 more than once, but […]
This Life Versus the Next Life
Contributing Writer: Amy Sizemore A prayer of David from Psalm 17:14 “Deliver my soul…from men of the world whose portion is in this life.” This life versus the next life. That’s my struggle. To live this life for life after death is radical and strange. Unless I believe it’s true. Isn’t that what Christian living […]
In Christ, my Victory!
Contributing Writer: Susan Sampson You have washed me clean. I am yours because you tell me that I am. Get behind me Satan! You cannot condemn me or accuse me. Christ, the Messiah, my Lord, has made me free from accusation! He is my Righteousness! You’re right, I am a sinner, who deserves to die. […]
Do you love God as much as you would like to love Him?
Contributing Writer: Amy Sizemore Do you love God as much as you would like to love Him? That is the question. That is the question posed on page 13 of Falling In Love Again with Your Lord that stopped me in my tracks for 3 days. How do I…where do I begin to answer that […]
The Cost of Unbelief
I have so much in common with the children of Israel as they wandered in the desert, waiting to lay claim to the promised land. I often become weary after following the Lord through what seems like one wilderness after another. I want to lay down, stop. My weak flesh and mind are often overcome […]