A Note of Encouragement
We are so encouraged by what the Lord is teaching current study participants as they continue on in the Falling in Love Again With Your Husband study!
When asked, half way through, “What is the Lord showing you through this study?” these are some of the answers we received revealing how God is working.
“The beauty of Christ submitting in everything. It’s become more beautiful over the past few weeks and I desire to follow the Lord more in my marriage,” current Thistlebend participant.
“How much I want to be in control. How much I struggle with putting my flesh to death. He is also showing me that I am a helper to my husband and it’s a beautiful thing,” current Thistlebend participant.
“Teaching me what my role is as a wife and how to glorify Him through it,” current Thistlebend participant.
“The Lord is showing me ways to love and honor my husband and helping me see my husband’s good side in a better light,” current Thistlebend participant.
“That submission is beautiful to the Lord! He is giving me guidance and, through prayer, the strength to submit,” current Thistlebend participant.
“How great my sin (especially pride) is and His intention for marriage,” current Thistlebend participant.
“Revealing fears I have of the Lord and revealing how much I need the Word of God, moment by moment, thought by thought,” current Thistlebend participant.
“That I need to put my flesh to death,” current Thistlebend participant.
God is moving as we go through this study and we are so thankful! Many women mentioned their new given perspective of submission. How do you view submission?
I struggle with control and being more submissive and letting my husband be in charge.
You are not the only one Teresa! Thanks for taking the time to comment. Many of us have struggled similarly. Be encouraged that following the Lord in submission to our husbands brings freedom and not having to keep all the plates spinning—which is exhausting! May the Lord pour out His grace on you as you seek to follow Him!